How Much Do Mortgage Notes Cost?

Mortgage note investing has become an increasingly popular way of creating passive income; however, it's essential that investors understand all associated risks before embarking on such a venture.

Investors can purchase mortgage notes from individuals or large investment companies, making this an easy and cost-effective way of entering real estate investing without becoming landlords themselves.

Interest Rates

Mortgage notes provide an ideal investment opportunity that provides passive income without the usual obligations associated with owning and maintaining real estate. But this complex endeavor must be approached carefully, so extensive research must be conducted prior to investing.

Interest rates fluctuate regularly, and loan terms will depend on your creditworthiness. To maximize potential savings, focus on increasing your credit score as much as possible before applying for a mortgage loan.

Mortgage notes can be acquired through note brokers who buy in bulk before selling to individual investors, or crowdfunding, which involves contributing small amounts to an overall pool managed by experienced investors and managed more hands-off by crowdfunding. At CU SoCal we partner with Credible so we offer personal loans which offer competitive rates with no impact to your credit score – make an application today with us and get your dream loan!

Property Taxes

Mortgage notes provide investors with a steady source of interest and principal income, without needing to manage maintenance like landlords do. Because of these advantages, investors have turned to mortgage note investing – even entire companies specialize in buying and selling them!

Investment in mortgage notes requires understanding what you are purchasing. Unlike traditional mortgages, which must be recorded with the county recorder, mortgage notes don't need to be recorded with anyone; their terms can only be enforced through terms in their mortgage deed and promissory note.

Your options for purchasing mortgage notes range from for-sale-by-owner groups and real estate investor groups, as well as non-performing notes usually sold at 10% to 30% under their value – though these investments may prove riskier as tenants may remain unaware that their debt is being transferred elsewhere.

Homeowner’s Insurance

Mortgage notes are promissory agreements backed by real property that are unprotected by FDIC insurance or bankruptcy protection, so it's crucial that when buying one you make sure all terms of agreement are included and all roles and responsibilities clearly laid out in it. You should discuss it with an attorney to ensure all aspects of this deal have been covered thoroughly.

Mortgage notes can be invested in independently or through real estate crowdfunding platforms, which enable you to invest small amounts into bundles of notes managed by experienced investors. You can purchase performing or non-performing notes; with former being those whose payments are timely while the latter are often sold at discounted prices due to their higher risk factor.

Mortgage notes come in two varieties – private and institutional loans. Institutional loans from banks and other lending sources tend to be heavily regulated with fixed interest rates and payment terms ranging between 15-30 years. A private loan, on the other hand, may have less stringent regulations as its lender sets its own terms according to your borrower.


An important document, the mortgage note should always be stored safely. If it becomes lost or destroyed, replacement copies can be requested from your lender or servicer; digital storage provides added protection. Alternatively, selling it off to reputable mortgage buyers for cash may also be an option – pricing depends on terms of note as well as current interest rates and property values.